Social Media Revenue Model – Strategies for Building a Large Online Business

You Want FREE Coaching with Me? Here is how it is going to work:

This new coaching program is in the “major exploration stage”. I think I have a pretty good idea, when it comes to Social Media integration into your business, what you need but I want to make certain I don’t miss anything.

Here is my offer. I want to set up daily calls with one person per day for about 15-20 minutes (it will probably run longer then that, which is cool as well). The calls will focus on a few things:

1. What specific pain or struggles you are having with marketing and revenue in your business and how Social Media will help you with those struggles (if you don’t yet have an online business, I can help you with that as well),

2. What specific tools you need in order to be more successful with what you are doing in your business, and here is the best part…

3. You ask me any questions you want and I will answer them! (potential topics include, how to create super viral products, steps in product creation, keys steps to internet marketing, how to find great niche markets, I don’t have a product or service to sell how can I make money, how to I get more followers in social media)

Sound good?

But, here is what you need to do to get us some time together. I wanted to give everyone a chance to have some time with me, so I needed to come up with something fair and simple, so don’t over complicate this.

Make a video no more then 1 minute long about why we are perfect to work together. Tell me whatever you like in this. It could be about you, about your business, about your desires to change your life, whatever you like. Send it to me on via my site which is

Now, here is the interesting part, and I am just leaking this out. I am planning on giving away a few slots in my upcoming training program on Social Media Marketing and Viral Product Creation. I am going to turn to everyone that does this first series of coaching calls with me for the first two slots. The last will be open to everyone. So, if you want to join me on a really thorough discovery of building your business in Social Media, make sure you do this.

I am only opening up 30 days of coaching calls with me, so the first 30 to do the videos are in!

And alert, there are only 12 slots left!!!

Have fun with it, and I look forward to your videos on YouTube.


Make sure you comment below!!! 🙂


  1. Hi Bill!

    Yes, I would be very interested!!!
    Please count me in!

    Thanks! 🙂

  2. I have been an affiliate for a couple of weeks now and find your program fantastic.There are some parts of this program I need help to address,and advice as to whether I should use them or not. A video for me at this time is not possible, and one of those things I need advice on. I would love to be a part of your personal coaching program, it would help immensely. However with or without it, I will be successful, as I NEVER quit any worthwhile project.

  3. Count me in

  4. I’ll be filming tonight.

    Thanks for the great offer.

    J Mike

  5. Ginny Oustad says

    Just starting internet marketing. Have purchased Twitter Traffic Machine. Like the concept, but may have done something wrong and could use a little help. Thanks. I look forward to learning more from you!

  6. yes plz

  7. I recognize you are very smart, I am a neophyte .I will have to study a while before I will understand this world enough to have a direction. All I know is I need a way to make money. I will be out of town for the June 5,6,&7. I’d appreciate the training, yet I don’t have the knowledge to download my cell phone picture into your you tube. I’m really dense. Is there a preliminary class you could suggest.

  8. Hi Bill,
    What a generous offer. It is appreciated. I’d love to speak with you about ideas on the marketing of my book, In Search of Simplicity. The book’s receiving excellent reviews and sells very well in bookstores in New Zealand, but sales through Amazon are slow to grow. I don’t have the ability to make a video for you but here is the URL for a three minute book trailer on YouTube:
    Thanks, John

  9. John Spivey says

    At the present time I don’t have a video recorder to make a video.

    I am still having trouble setting up twitter properly/

  10. Count me in for the coaching. I’ll have a video to you tonight, when its quiet.


  11. Bill, that is a great opportunity to be able to work with you.

    I’m so new at making money on line. I don’t even know how to make a one minute video to put on YouTube.

    Is there any other way I can get on the FREE coaching.

    As you can see I really need some coaching.


    Hugo R.

  12. im in ! cant wait

  13. Hello Bill, I would like to know how you can help me to get customers the site above.

  14. Yo…I don’t know how to do a video…but I will learn and get it to you right away. Please hold a seat for me in your training. Larry

  15. Count me in!

  16. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for your invitation. I am looking forward to your guidence. As a creative artist I need to achieve financial freedom in order to carry on creating art. I have been documenting my art and my life on my blog, with a view to create passive residual income through my blog, but I have a great difficulty to get traffic onto my blog. Would you have any suggestions? Thank you once again.
    With best wishes,
    Tolleck Winner

  17. I ordered a new cell phone that does video….sure hope it gets here in time!

    Bill, thanks for all you do to help us.


  18. I will create my video to send to you ASAP. I have been having some fun with this and know I can learn some faster and better ways.
    You can also watch the demo of my product on

  19. I have just published my first childrens book entitled “The Bogie Files”He’s a Boston terrier that solves neighborhood crimes(Bogie), along with the help of “The Crew”., and I am very interested in getting more sales!!!!!!!!
    My book is on sale at I am down for this!!!!!

  20. I do not have a way to make a video, but I would like to participate. I am not comfortable with the whole video thing, but I am with all other aspects. Can’t we do the coaching some other way?

  21. Would be nice to join in with you on your offer, but in spite of being in the film and music industry, my schedule certainly does not allow me to concentrate on a video this week. My website is undergoing changes. Rather not publish it at this time.

  22. I’m excited to participate; you have some magical applications here. I want to learn. Larry

  23. Fred Becker says

    Bill I am presently trying to get a website only have twitter right now. I do not have a webcam and I would definitely like to participate as per my reply email.

  24. Hi,
    its looks interesting count me in! I have a website that I should like more revenue from it’s a very interesting product that helps women to have less menopause problems.

  25. sory twitter here: dream2vision

  26. Sounds like honeybee inj may!!
    Sadly no Videocamera (ít´s broke totally – so first money a new one!!) – but I`m working with flash action scripting and streaming audio and video spots as well.
    But I have not the time in these days for making something so quickly.
    But I have get in try working with the social media, as member already a lot of places, so can You use me in Your team – call me – I´m on here, there and every where – on twitter here: and on facebook here:

  27. I would love to be involved, but, alas, I do not have a camera and do not know my way around youtube.

  28. We are interested in learning more about the training that you emailed us about. We are able to rank videos in the search results, but we want to help our clients become more social. How/where does one sign up?

  29. I would like to be involved but am not able to make a video at this time. Sounds exciting!!

  30. Bill, I want to know and utilize everything you know about on-line-marketing and are doing to make money. I want to make AT LEAST a million a year.

  31. Count me in Bill!

  32. I would love to participate.

  33. Right now I am trying to start my business. I have created youtube videos before and would love to hear advice on how to best start an online business and best ways to advertise.
    Count me in, sounds great!!

  34. This is just one site I have but am excited about the opportunity you are presenting!

  35. Hi Bill,

    Just checking to make sure you got my video.

    it’s here:


    Harry crowder

  36. Wow! Very excited to become educated and grow my business with your professional coaching. I just got a Flip camera, so I’m ready to go!


    Mike Larkin

  37. Mike Wilson says

    Count me in!

  38. Yes Bruce, I will jump at the chance for some Mentoring/Coaching from you to put me on the fasttrack.

  39. Please, allow me to join. Cheers

  40. I would like to promote this website, but the problem is that all distributors must give their ID separately, its not stored with cookies

    ID 198000119

    I will be more than happy if this is OK

  41. Please count me in!!!

  42. Hi Bill, I tried signing up for your 10k for 100and I received a message that stated that “I didn’t have permissions to view drafts”. Does this mean I’m not included in your training?

  43. I look forward to participating

  44. Cassandra says

    Bill, I would absolutely love to be coached by you because I believe I deserve to be coached by the best.

  45. Hey, Bill! This is a great offer I wish I could take you up in.

    But I got no video creation ideas and have no equipment to do it either.

    If there is only a way to get to this offer in any other way…

    I feel I need this opportunity as I’m still struggling to get myself off the ground in IM.

  46. Sounds good to me. I’m always willing to learn new things especially from someone that has done it and can lead the way. I can’t think of a better person to learn from.

  47. Count me In.. I want to work together with you side by side and learn your stuff!

  48. I don’t have a (flip) camera so I can’t make a video yet. I would like to speak to you about how to market my site
    I am a distributor for Scentsations/Mia Bella Candles and want to set up my own site but not sure where to start. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated! There is so much out there that I am inundated with info but thought you might be a good place to start!

  49. count me in please, sounds like a blast!


  1. […] Social Media Revenue Model – Strategies for Building a Large … Revenue strategies reveal on how to use social media effectively for you business . Read the rest here: Social Media Revenue Model – Strategies for Building a Large … […]

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