LinkedIn Marketing: 12 Powerful “Must Do” Tips for Setting Up Your LinkedIn Profile!


LinkedIn has become one of the most powerful Social Media platforms for business, and by just adding these simple changes below to your LinkedIn Profile you will quickly create a LinkedIn Marketing Machine. Plan on spending a couple of hours to make these changes to your LinkedIn Profile.

My LinkedIn Profile

My Profile


Many of you will hopefully already have some of these “Must Dos” in your profile. Others are probably really incomplete. Here’s what I think you must be doing and why (*note: if for some reason any of this violates LinkedIn’s terms of service, I’m not aware of it- so feel free to correct me):

Top 12 LinkedIn Profile Setup Tips


  1. Understand Your Keywords: Understand what keywords you want to rank for first before completing your LinkedIn profile. Once you know the keywords you want people to find you from, you will be using these extensively throughout your LinkedIn profile. This is how people will find you in the search. Tip: LinkedIn is one of the only sites I know of that still ranks the density of keywords in your profile to where you appear in their search results, so the more you use your keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile, the higher you will rank for that term in the search results. If you want to get an example of what other people are searching for, just use the search bar on LinkedIn. If no one is searching for the keywords you think are good, find one they are search for and use that.
  2. Complete Your LinkedIn Profile: Make certain you complete your entire LinkedIn profile! LinkedIn will tell you what percentage your are complete and exactly what to do. Not completing your LinkedIn profile is a guarantee your LinkedIn profile will not rank high in LinkedIn search.
  3. Use Your Main Keywords in your Headline:Your headline, the line just below your name, is one of the most important factors in search. Make sure you use your keywords there!

    LinkedIn Profile Heading

    LinkedIn Profile Heading

  4. Select the appropriate industry: How do you know where best to put yourself? Look at what other people have used that rank high for the terms you want to be found for and use what they used (don’t recreate the wheel if not necessary)
  5. Fill your profile with interesting facts about you: Use real captivating words up front, not like “works at XYZ company”, but instead, like an advertisement for you, because that’s what LinkedIn is!
  6. Add Multiple Current Jobs:Current jobs is another way you will be found for your keywords on your LinkedIn profile. Don’t worry if you really only have one job since all of us wear multiple hats nowadays. If you have a blog (or multiple), use it. Then in each job description, use your keywords (I hope you are starting to get the point of keyword importance in your LinkedIn Profile about now)

    LinkedIn Profile Current Jobs

    LinkedIn Profile Current Jobs

  7. Add Multiple Previous Jobs: The same rules apply from the above LinkedIn profile Tip.
  8. Add your email address to your current job listing: For someone to connect to you without directly knowing you, they need to know your first and last name, as well a valid email address. Make it easier by adding your email to the most recent job description of your LinkedIn profile so it reads “Job description” and then your email address (example: Software Designer + This gives people an easier way to connect with you.
  9. Complete Your Summary:Make your LinkedIn profile summary section complete and really easy to read. I suggest using your main keywords by section and breaking down each section using simple headers for each with a colon afterward (example: Internet Marketing Strategist:).

    LinkedIn Profile Summary

    LinkedIn Profile Summary

  10. Use Your Keywords in Specialties: In your specialties section, use all of your keywords followed by a line break to make it easily readable.
  11. Solicit colleagues and friends for recommendations: People love to read reviews. And there is no better review then someone else talking about YOU. Make sure you’ve got some great recommendations for the work you have done. Don’t be afraid to solicit recommendations. I always recommend in return for every one written about me. The trick is: write what you truly feel about the person in the nicest possible terms, and never oversell someone you don’t recommend. That can come back to bite you.

    LinkedIn Profile Recommendations

    LinkedIn Profile Recommendations

  12. Add plenty of passion: People who are going to bother to read your profile want to know who you are. If you merely put down that you’re an operations manager at XYZ company, that’s all they have in their minds about you. Add that you’re passionate about Cub scouts and that you play guitar and sing in the shower. Make sure people know about YOU, not just your job history.

The trick of setting up your LinkedIn profile is spending a little focused time upfront to reap the benefits thereafter. If you put up a LinkedIn profile that poorly covers the details, and barely populates the profile with much of interest, you will likely not get connections beyond former coworkers looking to make a lame connections. Should you be seeking to cast a net, develop relationships, and eventually find other opportunities through your LinkedIn profile, you’ll want to put a little more effort in and use these LinkedIn profile tips.

How are YOU using your LinkedIn Profile?

Has LinkedIn opened doors for you? Do you have LinkedIn profile or LinkedIn Marketing tips I didn’t cover that you’d recommend to other LinkedIn users? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments, and let’s open the discussion to better understand the ways to change/use your LinkedIn Profile for building opportunities for you in the future. Also, you may want to take a look at other relevant articles on this site to help you with your social media marketing.

Update: Where Did I Learn This Great Information About LinkedIn Profile Setup?

A few people have asked where I learned so much about LinkedIn Profile setup. Well, my good friend Lewis Howes gets the credit on this one. He is a total whiz on LinkedIn and has a complete training program on using LinkedIn HERE (affiliate link). Check it out if you want to really master everything about using your LinkedIn profile effectively for marketing on LinkedIn.


  1. Hey. How would you back up these hints? Do they work? Did you research that? How is that measurable?

    • They are measurable in that you profile goes up in the search for you keywords. Yes, I have done this many times for clients and it works every time to optimize you LinkedIn profile.

  2. Rr_worldexplorer says

    Thank you Mr. Bill for the info…

  3. Excellent help and well thought out ideas, the more connections the better awareness for your work. Life is all about possibilities and opportunities. Well LinkedIn definitely gives you that opportunity, so go for it!
    Andrea recently posted..The World Loves A Trier!My Profile

  4. Buenas,
    Siento no poder escribir en ingles, ya que lo hago desde España, lugar que como sabrán tiene la mayor presencia de Linkedin.
    Como información adicional, añadir que los puntos de vista a este lado, en el momento de hacer socialmedia profesional son distintos quizá a los vuestros. De todas formas, me parece muy bueno el aporte de Bill.
    Pdta. Mi blog está en pleno proceso de evolución.
    Marcos Pagán recently posted..LO QUE SE PUEDA TENER GRATIS, QUE SIGAMy Profile

  5. Great tips! Thanks for adding this content. I would love to see some more tips for job seekers as well!

  6. Thanks Bill,

    I was doing most of what you talked about – but need to work on my keywords. Great information. Cathy

  7. Good list for beginners. I prepare students to use LI I have a Powerpoint and will add some of your elements. I like #12 add your passion

  8. very informative, I will take the couple of hours recommende to update and indeed complete my profile
    Thanks Bill

  9. Great information @BillCrosby ! LinkedIn is too often neglected (including my own profile), I look forward to sprucing things up.

  10. Thanks for the valuable information. I am a huge proponent of LinkedIn and you just reinforced my beliefs. You are providing some very helpful information for your readers. I am most impressed with you whole site and specific details on each topic. I thoroughly enjoyed you tips about LinkedIn and will utilize them on my profile. Thanks again and keep up the outstanding work!

  11. Raj Grover says

    Hi Bill,

    Nice piece of information on LinkedIn. Many times, people miss out these important points while creating and managing their profiles on LinkedIn. It is a great tool for professionals, especially B2B as well as job seekers. Therefore making changes according to your suggestions will certainly improve their chances of finding a new business lead or an employer.

  12. Good post Bill.

    Pretty closely matches what I teach.

    I especially like #5 and #6. I think #8 about your email address depends on your goals and situation.

    I’m guessing you know one hole in LI is that anyone can say they have “done business with” and connect to a member.
    Michael @ Consulting Social Media Strategist recently posted..How will Social Media Evolve? Your thoughts?My Profile

  13. Hi Bill, great piece there, especially in my area where there are still many who has the misconception that LinkedIn is just another ‘social’ site.

  14. Thank you for the clear, cogent advice. We should do ourselves a favor and create better self brand identities both on LinkedIn and in other outlets. While many sites can use us for our data and demographics, personally I find few very useful to me besides LinkedIn, Twitter (personal fave), and a couple if others. In addition to your amazingly good suggestions one key online attribute that needs attention is consistency. I am always stunned to find that I’ve forgotten to update all of my profiles to the current state of my LinkedIn profile.
    Ilene recently posted..Honored to be in such good company – thank you to the Nifty 50!My Profile

  15. Good suggestions all in all! I’ve always somewhat considered LinkedIn to be a little like preaching to the choir – but even so I guess that still saves souls.

    In essence many of these tips could be applied to any social profile; unfortunately are overlooked by most users. It blows my mind how many people seem to think simply by having an account you are “using social media” or even worse, just by having the little icon on your site means you have an account. But I digress!

    Stay awesome!

  16. Great post, Bill. I’d like to add that users should connect their blogs (personal or corporate) to their profile. Very easy to do as LinkedIn has an easy-to-use plug-in.

  17. Great stuff Bill. But I’d add my thought on adding multiple current jobs. Don’t you think that some potential prospect may back off assuming you are already too occupied? Just curious. I felt so.

    • Bill Crosby says

      It depends on what you goals are. If you want more traffic from LI, then add more. If you want a prospective employer to find you, then add less.

  18. Bill

    It’s very refreshing for someone to give concise and straightforward advice,

    Much appreciated


  19. Hey Bill! Great article & a lot of valuable info here ; )
    I have to admit, since moving countries & starting all over, I’ve really let my LinkedIn networking fall by the wayside. Your tips have given me some great food for thought & hit me head on to get “back in the game!”

  20. Excellent post Bill! LinkedIn should remain professional but showcase your stand-out qualities in a dynamic way that a traditional resume cannot! Don’t forget the importance of tools like BeHance and for those of us that are creatives and wish to showcase a few projects directly on the site… I also like the Amazon reading list module!

  21. Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the good information provided here and on your blog in general. I especially like the last recommendation: “Add plenty of passion” :-). I totally agree: no passion = no success.

    Regarding getting recommendations, it’s not always easy. Most of my clients and even some colleges (like programmers and the likes) are not yet registered users of LinkedIn (despite my advice to do so).

    Keep the good job and greetings from Spain.
    Diego Fernandez @SEO @Google @Posicionamiento @Buscadores @Profesional @Consultor @Internet @Adwords @Publicidad @Online @Tiendas @Desarrollo @Web @Empresa @Optimizar @Promocion @Marketing recently posted..Servicios de Posicionamiento en Google (SEO) – Publicidad Internet, Google AdwordsMy Profile

  22. Hi Bill, I did key word search on my profile and found out LinkedIn searches no longer highlight (yellow)keywords in your summary section. But they have added other areas of your profile that show up in searches.

  23. Great post Bill. I think #12 is overlooked on Linked In since so many people are using it as a glorified resume and only share more personal stuff on Facebook. I think it is a way to differentiate yourself and create a deeper connection ( not sure if I would share about my singing in the shower though).

  24. Linda Carter says

    Thanks Bill for helping me be aware of the importance of Linked-In and how I can better showcase my skills/interests. I initially set up my account somewhat hastily as a friend of mine asked me to join. I appreciate your insights and will be sure to make the improvements you suggested to update my profile.

  25. Hi Bill,

    Thank you for contacting me regarding my LinkedIn profile, which does need to be improved and now thanks to your article about this very topic I will be able to do that.

  26. Bill…

    Thanks for contacting about my Linkedin Profile. I read your blog and will follow your advice. Your tips sound like they are a direct target and greatly appreciated…Thank You..
    Greg Avery

  27. Bill…

    Thanks for contacting about my Linkedin Profile. I read your blog and will follow your advice. Your tips sound like they are a direct target and greatly appreciated…Thank You..

    Greg Avery

  28. Bill,

    Your information is spot on and the best advise I have come across when it comes to building the LinkedIn profile. Thanks for putting this article together. I have since passed it down to thousands of professionals in my network.



  29. Hey Bill thanks for emailing me telling me to check out your article. I gained a lot of great tips for improving my LinkedIn profile. I’m going to take your advice for sure. Also, I will definitely be sharing this article with my followers. Thanks so much!

  30. Vivian Paul says

    Thanks for the tips Bill.

    I also use the LinkedIn Q&A section to gain and share knowledge. Once you are recognized as an expert on a topic, you could generate additional business.

  31. Thanks for this, Bill! Good info.

  32. Thanks Bill, these are great tips. Keep up the great work.

  33. Hello Bill,

    Thank you for your insight.

  34. Hi Bill,

    Thanks for sharing this information. I will be updating my profile using your info to guide me along. Thanks again

  35. Great article Bill.

    All the best!
    – Al

  36. Hey Bill

    As usual you provide outstanding content and for free.
    But I somehow I out rank you for Social Media
    and rank #1 for New Media (has even more folks competing than Social Media) – 1st page for WordPress
    #1 for Camtasia – JD Edwards and the list goes on
    Whats interesting – my profile is found in searches nearly 5000 times a week – now thats ranking

    Happy Holidays

  37. Arthur Rego says

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the good information you have shared

    and the tips that will enhance my profile and get
    better results .

    Kind regards,


  38. It was kind of embarrasing I have a book out on Linkedin marketing and still made the headline mistake I guess it safe to say everyone makes mistakes. Great stuff.

  39. Larry Clayton says

    Bill, your tips were very enlighnting to me on how to better explore the networking power of LinkedIn. Many thanks!

  40. Awesome tips!!

  41. Anonymous says

    Very useful information Bill

  42. Thanks for this very useful information Bill.  We’re currently finding that maintaining a business presence on LinkedIn is  quite challenging. These tips however are great for us to pass on to our employees—especially for a smaller production company house like us.

  43. So true, @billcrosby:twitter people tend to miss the boat on keywords in headline and also specialties #in

  44. Great info. I don’t have a LinkedIn yet, but I will utilize these tips when I create one.

  45. Hi Bill,

    Did you provide a link in this article to your linkedin profile ? I can’t find it.


  46. These are really good tips and several I have not thought of or implemented on LinkedIn. My profile on there was pretty hastily set up and after reading your post I see it has much more potential. Thank you for sharing great content & tips!

  47. Thanks for the tips! Keep up the great work Bill!

  48. Thanks for this post Bill. I recognize LinkedIn as an untapped resource that is eventually going to beg for my attention. When I’m ready to actually create a strategy for LinkedIn, I’ll be sure to return to this advice.

    • Yah Cliff, it is seriously valuable. We should get on skype and I’ll show you the real ninja stuff I am doing with it now! Hope all is well my podcasting mate!


  1. […] If you’re not 100% sure that your LinkedIn profile is set up to its fullest potential, read this article from my friend and a mentor Bill Crosby 12 Powerful Must Do Tips for Your LinkedIn Profile […]

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