Here Are 27 Steps on How to Speed Up Your Mac A slow mac can lead to a lot of frustrations and you may ask yourself why is my Mac so slow; what could the problem be; how can I speed up my Mac? Let’s explore some of the causes of slow speeds, how to navigate them, and get your Mac back to optimum … [Read more...]
How to Speed up Mac? — 27 Steps to Improve Your Mac Performance

Speed Up Your Mac: 12 Tips to Get Your Mac Running Like New Again!

On day one, there is nothing like the speed of a Mac, but unfortunately like all computers, Macs also need occasional "tweaking" to speed up your Mac again to first day newness. These are some of the things I have found to be most useful for bringing back that speed of old. Please consider sharing … [Read more...]
MacKeeper Review: How to Make Mac Fast Again?
Before you read this Mackeeper Review, I want to assure you that I've bought Mackeeper myself and used it for an extended period of time, and the reason I bought it was how to make mac fast again. This review is based on my experience with Mackeeper and in this review, I'll show you how Mackeeper … [Read more...]
Google updates new commenting feature for Google Docs
Google Docs is an excellent product from Google company which helps to user to edit the document in online without any use of special software’s. The latest news from Google is they are going to update new commenting feature for Google docs, so it’s like a real time chat between the users which … [Read more...]
Facebook Page Design Change: How to replace existing Facebook Page with new iFrame template
On March 11th, 2011 (3 days ago) Facebook began eliminating their previous language for Facebook Page Design  FBML which means we can no longer use FBML to build our fan pages. It also means we need to either learn the new iFrame framework, or get some nice iFrame templates to replace our … [Read more...]
How to Automatically Sync Any Song You Download to iTunes!
iTunes has never been great at automatically syncing new songs or folders of music, but with a little finesse and the latest version of iTunes, you can automatically sync any new music you download to iTunes, with relative ease. Photo remixed from Shutr. Love it or hate it, tons of people … [Read more...]
30 Beautiful Handwritten Fonts (A Must for Marketers)
Handwritten Fonts... Handwritten fonts are basically simulating a manuscript, or hand-drawn text. A manuscript is any document that is written by hand. The term may also be used for information that is hand-recorded in other ways than writing, for example inscriptions that are chiseled … [Read more...]
5 types of emails to filter automatically
If your inbox looks like a bottomless pit of Twitter notices and mass forwards of cat pictures, then it might be time to do a little email spring cleaning and organizing. Bonus, inbox spring cleaning sprees don’t require rubber gloves or a jumbo bottle of Liquid Plumber. Stepcase Lifehack … [Read more...]
Convert .mov to .flv video files on the fly, Major Time Saver!
In my weekly mastermind group, we just learned today (thanks to Sean Malarkey) that you can simply change a .mov (Mac based video format) file to .flv (Flash based format) by just changing the file type. In order for this to work, the codec (fancy pants language for how the movie is rendered on … [Read more...]
Does Allowing DoFollow Links Increase Commenting on Your Blog?
Ok, I am taking a big leap of faith on this blog in that today I began allowing DoFollow links on comments and trackbacks. Why is this a leap of faith? Well, I already get TONS of spam bots sending over their junk comments by obvious amateurs who are clearly just buying the next easy commenting … [Read more...]