Easy Video Player – Game Changing Video Marketing Software

I have come across the next BIG tool for super effective video
marketing. This tool is a GAME CHANGER!

It does four amazing things:

  1. Automatically uploads your videos to amazon s3
  2. Tracks stats of both views, completions and clicks
  3. Creates a Buy Now button on your video and directs to your offer
  4. And best of all, ads an optin form at the end to GROW YOUR LIST!

As soon as I saw it, I bought it!

Check it out in action below, I just uploaded this so you can see it working:

Want to get it NOW? Click Here to purchase the software above.

Note: If you purchase this software, and I highly recommend you do, I will get paid an affiliate commission.

Happy Marketing!

Bill Crosby


  1. BillCrosby says

    I recommend if you are having any issue to email their customer support. I found them very responsive and helpful with the couple of issue I had (I tried to install behind a password protected environment).

  2. BillCrosby says

    Depends on what browser you are using Stormy. I understand the Chrome doesn't work with this function.

  3. Hmm. Nothing happened at the end of the video for me! Am I missing something?

  4. all that is on your vid is a green bar at the end no opt-in….i bought this too… soo far a big pain in the a**…i'm about ready to return…

    nice idea tho…when they get a version that works i'm in…


    • BillCrosby says

      I recommend if you are having any issue to email their customer support. I found them very responsive and helpful with the couple of issue I had (I tried to install behind a password protected environment).

  5. Is there supposed to be a video in this post? It's not showing up for me.


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bill Crosby, Wealthy Freedom, Tracy Moen, Chip Thom, Ana Lucia Novak and others. Ana Lucia Novak said: Easy Video Player – Game Changing Video Marketing Software http://is.gd/6gmxs […]

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