Just how important is your social footprint now if you are looking for a job, well, 91% of recruiters use social networks to screen candidates now.
In a recent study by the social media monitoring server Reppler, results showed more than 90% of recruiters and hiring managers have visited a potential candidate’s profile on a social network as part of the screening process. And a whopping 69% of recruiters have rejected a candidate based on content found on his or her social networking profiles — an almost equal proportion of recruiters 68%, though, have hired a candidate based on his or her presence on those networks.
Check out this infographic below for more results from the survey, including what details on a candidate’s social profile make recruiters jump at the bit.
via How Recruiters Use Social Networks to Screen Candidates.
Or, what if you use Social Media to promote yourself and keep your tweets professional. (Personal accounts where you make dirty jokes, talk politics ect… yep, sure don’t want those showing up in Google search results).
I’m somewhat shocked to see, according to the infograph, that most often referenced is FB while screening candidates. How effective is FB when most personal pages are private? (I’m not sure what the stats are here but I would image most profiles are private – if not, they should be!).
On FB, it depends on whether you have set privacy controls on your site or not. If not, then everyone can see what you are up to on your FB profile. This is why so many people have gotten themselves in trouble with FB.
Thanks for the input!
Simple solution, never post under your real name.
I have 2 twitter accts, both with either screen names or fake names.. I never give them to any potential employers.
Anyone using their real name is just plain stupid in the age of big brother.
Yes, but what if you use social media to promote your personal brand?