Welcome to my ByDzyne MLM Review. This company definitely has my interest! For one, in 2010 the company World Global Network, a tech network marketing firm, became an enormous hit. They correctly predicted wearables would be a huge industry and they killed it. Back then very few individuals knew … [Read more...]
ByDzyne Review – What is ByDzyne and will it be successful?

How to Speed up Mac? — 27 Steps to Improve Your Mac Performance

Here Are 27 Steps on How to Speed Up Your Mac A slow mac can lead to a lot of frustrations and you may ask yourself why is my Mac so slow; what could the problem be; how can I speed up my Mac? Let’s explore some of the causes of slow speeds, how to navigate them, and get your Mac back to optimum … [Read more...]
Speed Up Your Mac: 12 Tips to Get Your Mac Running Like New Again!

On day one, there is nothing like the speed of a Mac, but unfortunately like all computers, Macs also need occasional "tweaking" to speed up your Mac again to first day newness. These are some of the things I have found to be most useful for bringing back that speed of old. Please consider sharing … [Read more...]
Top 100 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes of All Time!

Here is a list of the top 100 motivational quotes to get you inspired for life. They include 100 quotes from Michael Jordan, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Teddy Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Robert Frost, Henry Ford, Isaac Singer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, etc. and I'd say the are in a pretty good … [Read more...]
MacKeeper Review: How to Make Mac Fast Again?
Before you read this Mackeeper Review, I want to assure you that I've bought Mackeeper myself and used it for an extended period of time, and the reason I bought it was how to make mac fast again. This review is based on my experience with Mackeeper and in this review, I'll show you how Mackeeper … [Read more...]
Top 10 Ways to Use Pinterest for Business
For those of you who do not know, Pinterest is the newest and fastest growing social media website today, and how to use Pinterest for Business should be on your mind. Pinterest  has been able to reach 10 million unique monthly visitors - faster than other social networking sites including … [Read more...]
The Demographics of Social Media: Who is on Social Media and are they YOUR customers?
Understanding social media demographics, or demographics in general, is critically important when you are looking to create targeted marketing campaigns. While social media is primarily comprised of people wanting to converse, when you wish to enter those conversations with a valuable response that … [Read more...]
How to: Get a 48% Click Through Rate from NON-FOLLOWERS on Twitter
Ok, anyone who says Twitter is not effective for marketing nowadays flat out just doesn't know how to use it effectively. But I have to admit, a 48% click through rate from non-followers even surprised me a bit. I recently setup a test on our Twitter software Intwelligent to see how much traction … [Read more...]
How to do Keyword Research (cool infographic)
Any form of marketing online must always start with some (doesn't have to even be good) keyword research. Keywords are the drivers of all traffic online, and all to often I get asked "Do I need to do it?" or "How do you do keyword research?".Even when it comes to Social Media marketing, keywords are … [Read more...]