New Study Shows the Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 [STATS]

In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet. In addition to forecasting more online shopping and showing the geographical distribution of Internet users, the study also shows a dramatic shift toward mobile web use.

Including devices such as the Kindle, the iPhone (iPhone) and other smartphones, web-enabled tablets, GPS systems, video games and wireless home appliances, the growth of the mobile web has been exponential — and we’re still just at the beginning of this cycle. Morgan Stanley’s analysts believe that, based on the current rate of change and adoption, the mobile web will be bigger than desktop Internet use by 2015.

The mobile wealth creation/destruction cycle is in its earliest stages. The proliferation of better devices and the availability of better data coverage are two trends driving growth; having better services and smaller, cheaper devices has led to a huge explosion in mobile technology that far outpaces the growth of any other computing cycle.

Posted via web from Viral Social Media Strategies


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  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Allison Sumpter, Charles Strand and Charles Strand, Charles Strand. Charles Strand said: New Study Shows the Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 [STATS]: In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan S… […]

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