How to do Keyword Research (cool infographic)

Any form of marketing online must always start with some (doesn’t have to even be good) keyword research. Keywords are the drivers of all traffic online, and all to often I get asked “Do I need to do it?” or “How do you do keyword research?”.

Even when it comes to Social Media marketing, keywords are essential. Before I setup up any campaigns in either Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn on our social traffic suite of tools, I always first start with researching what are the keywords being used by YOU, my target audience (that is right, I know exactly what YOU are looking for, but that is for another blog post). Then, I begin to look at what content I can provide you (i.e. the enclosed as an example) to add value to your life/businesses, help you build your business, and help you determine what the best activities you can be doing online (i.e. ROI).

Providing great content builds trust. Trust builds relationships, and relationships grow businesses.

While I would have loved to have developed the below inforgraphic myself (just too darn busy with other things), promodo has done a great job to help you better understand the critical component of keyword research.

Keyword Research Infographic


  1. Bill you always provide great content
    Bob Garrett recently posted..Gangnam Style Bigger Faster than Call Me MaybeMy Profile

  2. This is a good simple easy to understand infographic on how to do a keyword research. There are some who would make so many complications in the process. I just feel and believe that you don’t have to make things very hard when doing a keyword research. Either that person is just trying to impress someone with so much technicalities or he’s just a geek with numbers. :o)

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