What do you feed your mind? This is such an important question for those wanting to dramatically increase their income. This video is inspired by ONLY feeding the mind positive success focused information, ideas, and thoughts.
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Couldn't agree more Bill. Think and you will become : )
Bill, nice video I carry Think and Grow Rich around with my everywhere I go. I have read it at least 15 times. You can add me too your list, my goal for this is to make 10,000 myself online and I don't see any reason why that isn't possible. Looking forward to the coaching program.
Bill, nice video I carry Think and Grow Rich around with my everywhere I go. I have read it at least 15 times. You can add me too your list, my goal for this is to make 10,000 myself online and I don't see any reason why that isn't possible. Looking forward to the coaching program.
Hi, good post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your site.
Hi! Good post! I needed to know such kind of information to update myself. I’m into Real Estate and need to know what’s new in the market. Thanks for the information.
Hi! Good post. I’ve noticed this new craze of John Beck’s program.I have bought this system and giving it a shot. My friend and I are currently studying his program.
hey Bill,
Man this video hit home. I don’t even watch the news anymore myself.
I know the story you are talking about in Think and Grow Rich. It is one of my favorite books!
I am actually going to get a picture made of Napoleon Hills “12 things that constitute real riches” and put it up in my office.
I stay positive as much as I can and I am working on my own personal “master plan”
Can’t wait to work with you!
Ounce again you really are an inspiration!
One thing more to add, people sometimes get down and thinking negative because they think they failed. Failure doesn’t exist as long as you’re still doing and learning. Failure can only exist if we have given up on ourselves. A set back is not failure but just simply “a step closer to success. Happiness is not an end destination but the adventure of the journey itself.
Bill, I am glad I found you here on twitter. Your words about feeding you mind was a refreshing boost early in the morning here. Much appreciated, and looking forward to somehow working with you.
Thanks for the twitter tips as well
I believe your doing great with these messages, so I gives you 100% credit for them. Keep going because that’s what I do too at my URL. And by the way, I bought your program Twitter Traffic Machine and I started using it inmediately. It’s great too. And for those who have not bought your Twitter Program, I recommend they do ASAP. Thanks to all of you.
I have gone from about 20 followers up to 450 in one day.
Growing exponentially. Not sure how it happened.
Interesting point of view, to be sure. Well said and articulated.
Very insightful!!! All great input adds up to great output;
I believe that reality is what you say it is or what you think it is;
its never easy doing the hard things, the challenging things in life;
so, what am I thinking about today?
Doubt is not junk, if it is realistic.
Good things such as literature, harmony, nature, and most will agree on what is good.
You are right about positive thoughts, that as old as Norman Vincent Peale http://normanvincentpeale.wwwhubs.com/
Personally, I’m in agreement with you up until the money. Money is not something I think is positive or negative. If money is a driver I can in fact lead to negative actions, e.g. Enron.
However, if the idea was to help xx number of people get in a home they can afford, or help them avoid foreclosure, then I bet the money goals would follow. Perhaps that’s what you are saying,
Good luck on your 2009 journey and to your post, everyday you awake, may your first thought be a smile. All the best!